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Team Contacts

Kelly Crow

Team Manager

Phone: 218-259-1060

Pat Guyer

Scheduler/Arena Director

Phone: 218-245-3525

To schedule a game or scrimmage with the team, please include GAHA's scheduler in the communications. 

Like GAHA on Facebook!

U6/Mini-Mite White News

U6/Mini-Mite White Tournaments

Virginia Nisky Jamboree Information

January 13-15, 2017

Hotel Information

Rooms are only blocked for Saturday the 14th. 

Super 8 - Eveleth

1080 Industrial Park Dr.

Eveleth, MN 55734


32 Double bed rooms blocked under Greenway Mites & Mini - Mites, $97.65+tax. Please call before January 6, 2017 or rooms will be released.

Holiday Inn - Mountain Iron

8570 Rock Ridge Dr.

Mountain Iron, MN 55768


16 Standard Queens, $129+tax/night and 9 Suites $159+tax/night blocked under Greenway Mites & Mini-Mites. Rooms will only be held until Dec. 30th.

Hibbing Jamboree Information

February 24-26, 2017

Hotel Information


Home Jamboree Information

February 4 & 5, 2017

Hotel Information


Team Contacts

First Last

Team Manager

Phone: 111-222-3333

Pat Guyer

Scheduler/Arena Director

Phone: 218-245-3525

To schedule a game or scrimmage with the team, please include GAHA's scheduler in the communications. 

Like GAHA on Facebook!

U6/Mini-Mite White News

U6/Mini-Mite White Tournaments

XYZ Tournament Information

to be determined

Hotel Information

to be determined

XYZ Tournament Information

to be determined

Hotel Information

to be determined

XYZ Tournament Information

to be determined

Hotel Information

to be determined

XYZ Tournament Information

to be determined

Hotel Information

to be determined

Recent U6/Mini-Mite White News

Skate with the Raiders

By Webmaster 02/09/2017, 12:30pm CST

No hockey sticks will be allowed on the ice during the skate.  Helmets are required for all GAHA players.

Sponsored by ISD 316 Community Education Office, Greenway Hockey players, coaches, cheerleaders and Children First!

For more information, call Greenway Community Ed at 245-6232.

Tracking Volunteer Hours Using DIBS

By Webmaster 10/18/2016, 4:30pm CDT


GAHA tracks volunteer hours by using DIBS. You can sign up (or claim) available DIBS sessions from your mobile phone, computer or on the tablet next to the Arena Director's office at the arena.

How do I sign up for DIBS???

Or be logged into your SportsEngine account on the GAHA website, and click on the DIBS link (far right of the screen).